A Preview of 100 Days of Growth with Sujan Patel

A summary of things you should know about 100 Days of Growth according to Sujan Patel:
In this episode Sujan Patel takes a deep dive into his book, 100 Days of Growth, where he shares over 100 online marketing strategies that are used by top performing companies.
In his book Patel provides actionable techniques his company has used to help other businesses grow and teaches you step-by-step how to implement these growth strategies into your own business. The goal of the book is to help you improve your search engine optimization efforts, increase your lead generation results, eliminate ineffective digital marketing tactics, and much more.
This book is perfect for entrepreneurs who own an online business and are looking for an all-in-one guide for effective digital marketing tactics that will take their results from good to excellent.
The Book’s Unique Quality (2:58)
I have personally weeded out a lot of strategies and tried 300 things I include in the book. This book is not a long read and each tactic and page is easy to understand and something you can do yourself.
The Best Way To Engage (3:43)
It’s one of those books that you can jump in and out of.
The Reader’s Takeaway (6:13)
The principle that I want the reader to takeaway is that you should always be testing new concepts. I layout 100 and as you read the book you will probably find a few 100 more. You don’t have to spend months strategizing and planning, you just start doing.
A Deep Dive Into The Book (4:21)
From the book you are going to learn a lot of how to repeat and how to implement things like AB testing your homepage. You can read all this stuff on the web but this is specifically the one thing you need to AB test. If you are thinking about how to leverage your traffic more there are things like the exit intent popup. Or if you want to build a referral program there is a simple way to get started. This book is not the end all be all but simply a way for you to start and with a successful method. The book spins around a lot of different things that are all around getting more revenue from your internet business.
NOTE: That was just a summary. To get the full deep dive, play the audio clip at 04:21
Notable Quotes From The Book (7:30)
I don’t have a favorite quote but I’ll give you my favorite tactic listed in the book. It’s the first tactic and it’s just giving away a free company t-shirt. It’s such a simple thing and yes it cost money but I’ve personally made a little under a million dollars just from giving away free t-shirts from my agency.
The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author (1:05)
I’ve been doing digital marketing for 12 years now and worked with hundreds of clients helping them grow their traffic and revenue. Over the years I’ve worked on a lot of different ideas that have failed and a handful of things that have worked. My concept for the book is to put together my learnings and successes in a repeatable fashion.
I wanted to make something where people can follow along. Every tip and tactic is something you can do and ideally if you did one thing a day for the next 100 days you’re going to see some exponential growth. My inspiration was to take all my learnings of how to grow a business and make it useful, tactical, and actionable.
Other Books Recommended By The Author (9:44)
Good to Great by Jim Collins
More Information About This Book and The Author
Buy 100 Days of Growth by Sujan Patel today
Visit 100DaysofGrowth.com to learn more about the book
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