Public speaking ranks as one of the biggest fears when the general public is polled on the matter. There are those out there who actually fear public speaking more thanRead More

Who is Mike Michalowicz and what you can learn from him: Mike Michalowicz launched his first company when he was 24 years old. After selling it in 2002, he foundedRead More

Who is Hal Elrod and what you can learn from him: Hal Elrod, known as “Yo Pal Hal,” started hosting his own radio show at age 15. When he wasRead More

While entrepreneurship is a path to a better life, there are many harsh truths that come with choosing this career option. It is not an easy route to untold richesRead More

Raising money for your startup can seem exciting. It seems as though it’s the first step in what will eventually become your Zuckerberg-sized concept you’re going to blow up toRead More