A Preview of The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers with Jonathan Milligan

A summary of things you should know about The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers according to Jonathan Milligan:
In this episode Jonathan Milligan takes a deep dive into his book, The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers, where he shares a roadmap to becoming a full-time blogger.
In his book Milligan provides a simple blueprint with actionable summaries of the 4 significant habits that aspiring bloggers should add to their daily routine if they want to become online professionals. The goal of the book is to teach you what it takes to achieve maximum results with your blog, how to get your blog noticed by more people, and what types of content generate the most traffic.
This book is perfect for entrepreneurs that own or plan on owing an online based business and what to know the ins and outs of establishing a popular yet profitable blog.
The Book’s Unique Quality (4:33)
I was very specific in the beginning and I did not want to write another book about how to write a blog. My book is a business book first, it’s something someone can take and use as a self-development plan that you can fall into over the next couple of years.
The Best Way To Engage (5:20)
I would say that if you are just starting out as a blogger you should read it straight through. If you’ve been blogging for a while you might be interested to jump further to the actual processes.
The Reader’s Takeaway (11:08)
I would hope that the reader would walk away with the heart of the book. The heart of the book is that the best way to grow a business is teaching and serving an audience well.
A Deep Dive Into The Book (5:57)
At the very beginning of the book I share with you a way that you can get access to a one page colored PDF that I had designed that explains the essence of the whole book. This one page infographic is what I call The Blogger Success Pyramid. It’s got the 15 traits in a pyramid format and both my students and I use to help form and build our businesses. And so the chapters are divided into each of those traits.
The very bottom of the pyramid is what I call Tier One and it’s the mindset. The mindset is so important for us to be able to grasp the things that we need to get ahold of in order to achieve success. For many of us, we are going to act out of our thoughts. And so if our thoughts are defeating we are not going to take action. The five mindsets that I share are passion, resilience, confidence, consistency, and patience. You have got to have these five mindsets because without them you will not be able to stay with it over the long haul to achieve success.
In Tier Two we jump into what I think many people get hung up on, the habits. There are so many things to do that you don’t know where to focus your time and so I boil it down in the book to four simple keystone habits. The first habit is the create habit; this habit is to use text, audio and video to get your message out to the masses. The second habit is the capture habit which is the art form exchange of value for e-mail addresses. Building that e-mail list is so critical and so important. From there you have the compile habit and that is where you package your knowledge and perspective into products and services. And then you move into the connect habit which is your ability to connect with other people and build community with other passionate influencers.
In Tier Three we go over systems and there are three traits in this tier which are people, processes, and plans. When you get the right people, you create the right processes that you can outsource, and you put the right plans in place, you can begin to scale your business way beyond yourself.
And finally, the top tier is the Leverage Tier and that’s how you stay on top. There are two essential traits to staying on top and those two traits are learning and listening. Learning is the ability to unlearn and sit at the feet of your peers. The second leverage point is listening and that is the constant awareness of the goals, passions, and struggles of your audience.
NOTE: That was just a summary. To get the full deep dive, play the audio clip at 05:57
Notable Quotes From The Book (12:38)
“What’s the ultimate result we want from all of this hard work? For me it’s not money, although I need money to live and reach my goals, it’s not fame or popularity, I find more fulfillment in stewarding the gifts Gods given me even if popularity never comes my way. The final success trait cannot be achieved as a goal; instead it’s a result of doing everything else well. It’s the ultimate gift from a lifetime of serving others, trust and authority. You are rich when you’ve earned trust and authority with your audience.” – Jonathan Milligan
The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author (1:29)
I started my career as a high school teacher and both of my parents were educators and so I thought that might be where I was going to land. After about three years of coaching and teaching, I loved the kids but I found that it wasn’t the right environment for me. I had a real entrepreneurial side to me and so I joined up with a startup company that was an executive search firm. I did that for about eight years and from there I got into blogging. Over the course of a couple years I ended up getting to a place where it could replace my job and now today it’s what I do. I am a fulltime blogger and I have two blogs that I manage.
I always had multiple e-mails asking questions of how I became a fulltime blogger and so I began thinking through how exactly I could teach this to others. After running it by friends and family I boiled it down to what I considered 15 success traits.
Other Books Recommended By The Author (14:23)
Work Simply by Carson Tate
More Information About This Book and The Author
Buy The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers by Jonathan Milligan on Amazon today
Visit BloggingYourPassion.com to learn more Jonathan’s book and online courses
Follow Jonathan Milligan on Facebook and Twitter
More Information About This Episode
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Chad R. Allen