A Preview of Unstoppable Entrepreneurship with Ilkka Lavas

A summary of things you should know about Unstoppable Entrepreneurship according to Ilkka Lavas:
In this episode Ilkka Lavas takes a deep dive into his book, Unstoppable Entrepreneurship where he shares his experience on what makes an entrepreneur unstoppable.
In his book, Lavas reveals over 18 years of experience as an entrepreneur and addresses the successes, failures, and tactics that took him from a 17 year old web designer to a 35 year old serial entrepreneur. The goal of the book is to teach you new ways to be successful, overcome hurdles, take your business to the top in the digital age we live in today.
This book is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of startup development and are learning from the success stories of experienced entrepreneurs.
The Book’s Unique Quality (2:55)
If you read management or self-help tip books they all are around the same topics about what makes you successful and how you set your goals. In my book I open with how to become unstoppable and I also share my biggest lessons and failures along the way.
The Best Way To Engage (4:02)
The tips and chapters in the book are fairly easy to read. Many of my readers have said that they read this book in two hours.
The Reader’s Takeaway (9:11)
As an entrepreneur one of my favorite ideas is that if you want to be successful you must understand that you have to be successful every day. I believe that we shouldn’t be waiting for that one day when we become successful; we should be living for the moment.
A Deep Dive Into The Book (4:48)
The book starts from 12 years ago when I was 23 years old and I had 17 people working for my company. The first chapter is about never giving up. When the IT bubble burst my company’s volume of orders fell and we had a serious cash flow crisis. Things became much less pleasant, less fun and exciting. I couldn’t sleep because I was worried how I could pay salaries for my employees. I had to make the choice to either file my company for bankruptcy or try and continue the business. I didn’t want to give up so I started thinking about what the worst thing was that could happen to me if I failed trying to save this company.
I realized that if I failed or didn’t even try saving the company the worst case scenario was that my company would go bankrupt. I calculated that I could save the company by downsizing the amount of employees and by handling all the sold and still open cases as well. So I called the tax officers and talked about the payment terms and they took some of our office furniture as a payment of the bills. With a heavy heart I had to lay off 12 people including some very close friends. After not paying my own salary for many months the challenge in downsizing finally ended 14 months later when I paid my last unpaid tax payment. I was exhausted but I didn’t give up and I survived my first big business challenge.
Chapter two is about the things that make you unstoppable.
Chapter three is about reflecting your life habits. It’s very important to know what your strengths and weaknesses are in life.
Chapter four is about managing your own self. You must manage yourself or someone else will.
Chapter five is about how to create new competitive advantages.
The biggest idea of my book is how to go from a state of crisis to a state of success.
The Credibility/Inspiration Of The Author (0:59)
I am 35 years old and a serial entrepreneur. I am involved with 10 companies and I have around 100 people working in my companies. I started my first startup when I was 17 years old so half of my life I have spent as an entrepreneur.
I have been teaching entrepreneurs here in Finland for the last 10 years. I wrote my first book seven years ago about positive things about entrepreneurship. Since then I have been growing my businesses based on that book and because of that I now have many successful companies. I wanted to write down the principles and management tips that I have learned in my life as an entrepreneur. I have been teaching myself about being unstoppable and this book will help others do the same.
Other Books Recommended By The Author (10:45)
Managing Performing Living by Fredmund Malik
More Information About This Book and The Author
Buy Unstoppable Entrepreneur by Ilkka Lavas on Amazon today
Visit UnstoppableEntrepreneurship.com to learn more about Ilkka and his book
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