5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Carol Sanford

Carol Sanford has risen to prominence as a consultant in the world of business development and is also well known for speaking to potential business owners in a number of different settings. She has authored a book, The Responsible Entrepreneur, where she discusses the importance of responsibility and accountability in the entrepreneurial field and her insights continue to be shared in the business community time after time.
“Entrepreneurism isn’t born within a rare few; it’s a fire waiting to be lit inside us.” – Carol Sanford (highlight to share)
There are a number of lessons that every entrepreneur can learn from Carol Sanford and the following list focuses on the five that I find to be the most crucial for you to learn more about how you can emulate Sanford’s tactics.
1. Accountability Exists Within the DNA of a Responsible Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur does not fail or succeed based exclusively on his or her own merits, a lesson that Sanford teaches in all of her works. Success is achieved within a team context, while failures are typically achieved alone. The entrepreneur who tries to do it all by themselves or ignore the needs of those underneath is setting themselves up for continued disappointment.
One of the most common pitfalls that a budding entrepreneur falls victim to is the perception that they need to take on each of the most important tasks by themselves and minimize the amount of help they need from partners and staff members. However, a truly successful entrepreneur knows how to hold themselves accountable and delegate duties to those who are more talented than themselves. No one ever rises to the top alone, but there are certainly more than a few would-be entrepreneurs who have sunk to the bottom all by themselves.
2. Self-Awareness Is Key
Carol Sanford speaks about the importance of self-awareness and talks about what it takes for a person to leave their mark on the world. She communicates her thoughts and ideas about the traits needed for a person to reach their full potential. One of the ideas that she regularly touches on is that a successful person does not take any event that takes place in their life too personally. In order to achieve success, an entrepreneur must be able to look at the bigger picture.
Instead of allowing the outcome of certain situation to affect how they feel about themselves, Sanford talks about recognizing the impact of their actions and remaining focused on the task at hand. No one rises to the top without experiencing a few setbacks along the way and none of these issues should ever be taken personally. Your higher aim is what matters most.
3. Learning As You Go Is Essential
When Sanford speaks to her audiences, whether in person or through her writings, she consistently focuses on the responsibilities that come with along with responsible entrepreneurial work. No one starts off their entrepreneurial journey knowing it all or being able to predict the future. Problems lie ahead and while there is no way to control them, you can control the manner in which you react to them.
Rather than being waylaid by every single challenge that comes along, Sanford shows her acolytes how to use them as learning experiences, as a method for enriching themselves intellectually. Thanks to her years of experience, she knows about how rewarding it can be to face a challenge head on and learn from it. There is going to be resistance along the way as you climb the ladder to your ultimate goal, so embrace these challenges and use them as a tool for self-improvement.
4. Don’t Ignore Your Calling
We often have moments in life where we feel a certain magnetic pull that encourages us to shoot for a certain goal or to pursue a particular endeavor. Carol Sanford encourages her audiences to stop ignoring those feelings and start pursuing the goals that will truly make them happy. When you pursue the goals that are most important to you, your capabilities will be stretched to the limit, which is the best way for a person to shake off their current comfort zone and grow into a successful entrepreneur.
Your capacity to grow is as limitless as your imagination. If you are someone who is constantly doubting themselves and refusing to see the bigger picture, then you are going to struggle to pursue your true calling. We all have that magnetic tug inside of us, that little voice in our heads that encourages us to stop working at jobs that we hate and to go after our dreams. Sanford ensures that her audiences do not continue to ignore that voice.
5. Reflect and Consider Your Goals
Another area of emphasis for Sanford is the importance of self-reflection. She urges her audiences and readers to take a moment to really reflect on what is important to them. What is your goal and even more importantly, what are you going to do in order to reach it? Goals are great, but without a definitive plan, a goal is merely a dream.
Until you can look deep within and decide on what your true goal entails and what you are willing to do in order to achieve it, you will remain in your current state. An entrepreneur is someone who is not afraid to challenge themselves and a person who thrives when they are pushed out of their preferred comfort zone. Thanks to Carol Sanford’s lessons, what once seemed like a dream can become a reality, when you are ready, willing and able to put in the work necessary.
More Information About Carol Sanford
Preview The Responsible Entrepreneur with Carol Sanford herself
Buy The Responsible Business by Carol Sanford on Amazon today
Buy The Responsible Entrepreneur by Carol Sanford on Amazon today
Visit CarolSanford.com for the free workbook deal and more info on the book
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